Friday, July 25, 2008

Ebear gets a yorkie topknot! (inspite of still sporting the puppy skunk stripe)

Yes, I was feeling a bit unattractive as folks were commenting on my "skunk stripe". Little did they know that this is a natural growing out of my all black puppy coat. I'm getting the real deal..
today I got the YORKIE TOPKNOT to prove it!
Okay, so it's a little wimpy now, but you just wait... it's growing and I'm sorta thinking it is a bit like the Egyptian royal princes used to sport... a LONG braid... mine is going to be REGAL!
Yep... that's my mom... I really don't want her to have that white thing in her hair, so I keep trying to pull it out!
Makes her a little mad I assure you!

Do our profiles look a like? My people tell me that my short nose is just what they wanted.
AWWWWW MOM.... quit checking to see if it's still there???!!! It is, and


Let's go play tug of war.... yes, I won't mess up your hair..... (ha ha ha)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Simplification, does it apply to my longhorns?

I've been trying to simplify my life these days, and that means getting rid of so many things I don't need or have ability to care for! But then when I think about these creatures who've come into my life... some are not just "cows"... some of these were orphans, and how my heart gets tugged. Do I really think that I will be able to sell them?

Well, maybe... but only if they go to a place that would treat them as pets.. but then again, how could Aledo be anywhere but here?

On second thought... simplification may not apply to my cows!

Aledo calved first with a girl just as curious as her momma! She loves the cats, but they won't get too close. Madame Butterfly (see the wings on her head between those lovely horns?) has a blond and white little bull this year (Cindy and the little brown and white steer are hers too... she is prolific!), and Aquila is the BIG black and white momma with the little brown and white baby. We weren't even sure she was gonna have a calf this year. The steers will have the prettiest horns, but all of them surely do add pretty color and personality to my green fields. Aledo is still my little orphan who my favorite vet rescued and brought to our side yard garden to recoup... and then.... she stayed.

I think simplification is not as "simple" as I wish it were!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tags, and puppy class with the big dogs

Oh my goodness
Oh my goodness.... this is NOT A GOOD PLACE~~~ and here I am again!
HELP!!!! do you see what he's doing?
Oh the injustice!
Yes, you guys are smiling, but just give me back to my people... you are NOT my people, no matter how much you talk about how cute I am, and all that stuff about "he's so cute".... well, now I know, it was a ploy...
a ploy to get me comfortable with these invasions!

I'm going HOME.... (at least he's fully legal now... Ebear has his tags and is a fully licenced dog). and yes.....

let's go home little boy

and now for the next day... another adventure into the "training up" of a well behaved terrier named, Ebear!

Puppy class!

We arrive and see the fully accredited training right here before our eyes! Yes, now what do you think little boy?

I think those nice people across the ribbon table have a very curiously familiar "friend" tugging on a leash and wanting to make my acquaintance.
so, I'll just stay right here in a safe place between your feet! okay???? I'll just sit here and be very inconspicuous and nobody will ask anything of me... and believe me... I now know to be suspicious of folks who say... "oh isn't he cute"... I had enough of that trick yesterday! I'm wise to the plans!
Hey look over there... see that guy... his name is Sabre... and he's been here lots before.. he just told me to listen and do what your person says... there's TREATS to be had in this place!
Yeah... agreed Max... just sit when your people say sit, and try not to be confused by their learning the rules too... TREATS are good... (sometimes they call them "cookies".. but that's okay, we KNOW what it means!)
Listen little guy.... this is tough work, but it will be well worth your efforts... give it a try, and then you can just RELAX.. when you've done the job well!

Meet and Greet... our people need to know they can trust us not to do doggie stuff while they are doing their people stuff... weird huh? they want to meet and greet, but that means WE DON'T!
Hey Ebear... when are you gonna step up and try this too?
Well.... you just wait... I've only begun to learn the rules, and as I see it... the safest place to do that is right here between the feet of my person... I'll get up there, you just wait and see... soon I'll be doing the stuff with you big guys too! and by the way... I know a really cute Golden you will want to meet Max... her name is Jewely, and she's my neighbor.... so you better be my friend, believe me.... you're gonna like the folks I know!
and just lookie here.... I heard them tell you "down"... I can do that too! Just wait and see!!!
I will be spectacular.... but it will be on my terms.... well, maybe I'm a bit wrong there, I suppose you do see the leash to which I am attached. Guess that means.... someone else is in charge here and it's not me!