Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ebear meets Miss Jewely Jewely

So today is the day the family has been waiting for? My Mom says I'm going to visit a new "FRIEND"... Miss Jewely Jewely as SJ calls her... Oh dear... what's a "friend" mom? Does it walk on four legs or 2 like my FAVORITE friends?
I got out of the car behind JC's cattle trailer expecting to find yet another human on whom to work my charm.... and lo and behold out comes this golden wonder dog... quick as a minute... I sized her up and decided my best bet was to return to the place from which I came... the white Acadia.
No luck... she was hot on my trail (or perhaps I should say "tail")
Hummmmm thought I'd give my guy SJ a try to see if he'd get off the hotwheels and just PICK ME UP!!!!!
Nope... seems that Miss Jewely Jewely has set up camp in MY TERRITORY!!!!!
What is the deal....???? I had this all worked out to MY advantage.... all the people think I'm the cutest... and now.... COMPETITION in the way of a big eyed, sweet faced Golden Retriever named Miss Jewely Jewely!!! What's a little guy like me to do??? and where's your mom when you need her anyway... she decided to stay home on the first play day... hummm guess she knew what was coming!
Oh KG... remember me??? I'm the one you always pick up... I'm the one who always gets to sit in your lap... I'm the one you throw the toys to... I'm the cutest.... I'm , I'm,.... I'm.... well, I guess I'm not the ONLY ONE anymore!!!!

Is this what it comes too? I'm going to have to make friends or else??? well...... guess what... well.... well.... I guess I'll just be doing that! Wanna crate mate friend Jewely? Bet we'll have lots of good plans to make together... maybe we'll even get Meg to join us, ya think????

Guess you're not so bad after all.....anyway... I AM THE ONLY GUY around here!!! ya gotta respect that? huh???? fun times ahead I'm thinking!

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